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  • LockID

    A three-factor authentication, access control system that leverages the user’s existing hardware. Utilizes three components: an Angular admin portal, a Raspberry Pi 3 physical lock, and a Swift iOS app for user interactions.

  • WordMe

    A fast-paced, iOS word game where users must describe words as they appear on the screen.


    Responsible forthe creation of test cases, and leading the testing of the new system. I delivered presentations to team managers, Human Protection Administrators, and other system users to demonstrate the functionality of the new system and improvements.


Senior Design Capstone Project

The project spanned across a tight 6-month timeline with a limited budget and team of 4 developers. The project comprised of 3 separate product deliverables which were required to satisfy the requirements of faculty and industry advisors upon completion. Additionally, the project was reviewed by a panel of judges at a university-sponsored industry expo.

The 1st product was an angular administrative portal, where administrators could fine-tune lock settings including custom names and permissions, and adjust organizational tasks such as the removal of employees. The 2nd product was a hardware and software solution that would serve as a digital smart lock. The lock needed to leverage features including 3-factor authentication and work seamlessly with the other products. The 3rd product was a iOS application designed for the user as a point of interaction with the system. All 3 products were united with a custom Azure cloud solution.

The project was delivered on time, under budget, and was received well from faculty, expo attendees, advisors, and judges.


  • Angular 5 Administrative Portal
  • Swift 4 User App
  • Physical Smart Lock - Featuring Moving Parts
  • Azure Cloud Infrastructure
  • Needs to Implement or Address:
  • 3 Factor Authentication
  • Simple Integration
  • Easy Scalability
  • Vendor Lock-In


  • Appease Faculty Members
  • Appease Faculty Adivisors
  • 6 Month Timeline
  • Limited Budget
  • Seamless connection of components
  • Steep Learning Curve
  • High Research Workload
  • Development team availabilty reduced due to outside jobs and academic classes


Word Me | iOS Application
Mobile iOS Game

A fast-paced, vibrant, timed mobile iOS game. The game is played in teams, which race to rack up points. During the gameplay, the user is presented with a word or phrase, which they must describe without re-using the word. The turn ends when the time runs out and the buzzer sounds. The app was my first introduction to swift and programming in iOS. The creation of the app required a substantial amount of planning and research prior to the execution stage. The project is currently in the monitoring stage, where it is being tested for bugs and usability. In the upcoming iterations, the development will introduce new features, resolve issues, and implement early-stage reach goals.

This project is ongoing and is an example of agile methodology in execution.


  • Vibrant and engaging iOS app
  • Timer to control gameplay
  • Multiple views
  • Score Keeping
  • Gameplay Functionality
  • Upcoming Features:
  • Word/Phrase Themes
  • Multiplayer - Multi-phone mode
  • Customizable Settings


  • Limited iOS/Swift knowledge
  • Limited Budget
  • Single Developer Development
  • Time Constraints


Word Me | iOS Application
System Overhaul for Ethic and Research Committee

IACUC, or Institutional Care and Use Committee (IACUC), is an ethics committee that is responsible for maintaining and facilitating ethical research at the University of Cincinnati. In 2017, the system they used to maintain records, process research requests, and track program management received a massive overhaul.

The Senior Quality Assurance Analyst at the University of Cincinnati reached out to me to help with the testing and monitoring phase of the projects implementation. I worked directly with him to establish a series of test-cases which would be used to monitor and track the new system.